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Migrate a Router Installation

Here's an example of migrating an existing router configuration to the Linux service's working directory.

  1. Remove the quickstart router service if you followed the BASH quickstart to create /etc/systemd/system/ziti-router.service.

  2. Follow the Linux router deployment guide to install the controller service.

  3. Ensure service is disabled and state is clean.

    sudo systemctl disable --now ziti-router.service
    sudo systemctl clean --what=state ziti-router.service
  4. Copy the router-related parts of the configuration to the service's working directory and rename the configuration file to config.yml.

    sudo mkdir -pv /var/lib/ziti-router/
    sudo cp -v ./quickstart-router.* /var/lib/ziti-router/
    sudo mv -v /var/lib/ziti-router/{quickstart-router.yaml,config.yml}
  5. Correct paths in the configuration YAML file.

    sudo sed -Ei "s|$PWD|/var/lib/ziti-router|g" /var/lib/ziti-router/config.yml
  6. Disable bootstrapping. It's unnecessary because we are migrating, not generating, a complete router configuration.

    sudo sed -Ei 's|(ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_.*)=.*|\1=false|g' /opt/openziti/etc/router/service.env
  7. Start the service.

    sudo systemctl enable --now ziti-router.service
    sudo systemctl status ziti-router.service